Sustainability statement
The Irish Chamber Orchestra strives to minimise our impact on the environment and work toward ensuring the sustainable use of our precious natural resources.
We recognise that at a time when awareness and understanding of climate change have become common place across society, we must minimise our impact on the environment, particularly in the production of carbon.
The ICO, like every organisation, has a carbon footprint; we will examine our activities and where possible reduce the size of this footprint. We will adopt a leadership role in our sector to take action in our collective battle to minimise climate change in line with the Paris Agreement of 2016.
In line with our Organisational Strategy, we
- Develop a Climate/Environmental Policy for the ICO
- Ensure continued reduction of our environmental footprint as it relates to the administration and management of the ICO
- Adopt eco-friendly practices for our touring schedule, while continuing to deliver exceptional musical performances to our audiences
- Work in alignment with the University of Limerick's green agenda, highlighting our commitment to environmental awareness and action.